Lonesome pretended that she had the same problem just to fit in with the crowd and then for some reason unbeknownst to the forum she disappeared???

Lonesome returned over a year later and was welcomed by the group which supported her because she had a tragic tale to tell - Both of her parents had been killed in a car crash. Yes, this was a terrible time for poor Lonesome and it was fantastic for her to have such wonderful support and to be the centre of attention. She certainly needed it because in the real world this was a complete fabrication but something in her life triggered her to tell this story. I don't think anyone really cared if it was true or not? I suspect that a few genuine people in the CU Forum were more worried about Lonesome's mental welfare and I'm not going to joke about that.
A few months later, Lonesome went to the doctors, (allegedly). She hadn't told anyone that she had been ill and in fact hadn't told anyone about her symptoms of 'Chronic Username-isms'. It was almost as though she was keeping it quiet because she had found a group of people who were accepting her but she really had nothing wrong with her? Lonesome, sent out an email to her friends and it stated that she had an aggressive form of Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma. It was already at stage III and thankfully one of her friends was a nurse however sadly, this friend could confirm that this cancer was going to kill Lonesome. When NHL turns into an aggressive form, it almost always does plus it had entered so many parts of her body. At least three of Lonesome's friends cried that night.......At least three of Lonesome's friends probably more have cried in the next few months.
I need to lighten up this story again don't I? Don't forget everyone, we are in cyberland and ANYTHING can happen can't it? In cyberland miracles happen!
I say this in almost every blog entry concerning this person - I wish her well and hope she can one day be honest with herself.
Coming up in future entries,
The NHL year and how we all allowed ourselves to be duped and how I felt and still feel.
How friendships have become stronger because of this person
What you can do in the same situations and learn from my mistakes. (Remember you're dealing with someone who is mentally unwell).
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